Tuesday 13 March 2012

Everything Is A Remix

I found the clips by Kirby Ferguson to be really really interesting. He is a US filmmaker who stated that everything is a remix. 
I have never actually thought about how much we find derivative works throughout culture. For instance, there are so many sequels, remixes and adaptations of Pirates of Caribbean and James Bond movies- Why is this the case?
Throughout major advancements, ideas are combined to turn the old into the new becoming Hollywood's greatest talent. The main element of creativity is copy, transform and combine, which is demonstrated through the remakes of the films. The remakes become Blockbuster films that reshape our pop culture. However, copyright and intellectual property laws conflict with cultural norms. 

I just found this issue to be fascinating. I've always wondered why there are so many sequels and remixes and I would definitely like to watch more clips to further understand this concept. 

1 comment:

  1. This was already mentioned on twitter and the FB group, but have you seen RIP!: A Remix Manifesto? Doesn't look into the narrative aspects as much, but still really interesting & along the same lines as Everything Is A Remix: http://films.nfb.ca/rip-a-remix-manifesto/
